Truck drivers should be routinely tested for sleep apnoea after a study found that half of them suffer from breathing disorders.
In a survey of 905 Italian truck drivers, it was found that approximately half suffered from at least one sleep-related breathing problem that could potentially cause them to fall asleep at the wheel.
In a presentation at the European Respiratory Society international congress today (Monday), Luca Roberti, president of Apnoici Italiani, the Italian sleep apnoea patient association, called for compulsory testing of sleep-related breathing problems by European haulage companies.
“Considering that drivers are in charge of transport vehicles weighing several tons, companies have a great moral and civic responsibility to ensure their employees are safe to drive and are not at risk of suddenly falling asleep at the wheel,” he said.
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a common condition where the walls of the throat relax and narrow during sleep, interrupting normal breathing. Research has shown that someone who is deprived of sleep due to OSA may be up to 12 times more likely to be involved in a driving accident.
The European Union Directive, created to limit accidents arising from OSA, requires drivers with moderate or severe OSA to seek medical advice before their licences can be issued or renewed.
The study was carried out in 2018 at the request of the Italian truck driver cooperative, Federtrasporti.
On 44 days between March and December, doctors and nurses spoke to drivers at truck dealerships owned by 50 different companies.
They measured height, weight and waist circumference, medical conditions, such as diabetes, and also took into account lifestyles and whether the participants smoked or took drugs. Other factors that were considered included length of service, distances travelled and whether they drove national or international routes.
Of the 905 drivers interviewed, 887 were men and 17 women with an average age of 46 years.
Researchers found that 77% were overweight or obese. Nearly 10% of drivers said their partners noticed that they sometimes stopped breathing when they were sleeping; 55% were habitual snorers and 43% were at risk of OSA.
Roberti said: “This observational study has underlined the high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea among truck drivers, which is greater than the prevalence in the general population. This is due to a lifestyle that forces the drivers to sit for several hours a day, with little physical activity and a poor diet, leading to a greater risk of excessive daytime sleepiness and of dozing off unexpectedly while driving.”
The prevalence of OSA in the general population is estimated to range between 6% to 17%, with certain groups, such as those who are overweight, the elderly and some ethnic minorities, having a higher risk.
“Haulage companies should make it compulsory for their drivers to have examinations to diagnose any sleep-related breathing problems, and both they and their drivers should give careful consideration to drivers’ diets,” concluded Roberti.