Daniel Boffey in Brussels 

EU may expand collection of air passenger data to rail and road users

Internal documents show most members back data collection despite concerns over privacy and delays

Passengers waiting to board their flight
Passengers waiting to board their flight. Currently, about 42 pieces of data are collected in advance on those travelling on scheduled and charter flights within the EU and entering it. Photograph: izusek/Getty Images

The EU’s member states have given their “broad support” to the collection of the personal data of people travelling on high-speed trains and even on Europe’s roads in an expansion of a directive that covers airline passengers.

Despite concerns in some capitals that the move would amount to a disproportionate infringement of privacy or create travel delays, it has won the backing of a majority of member states, according to internal documents.

Under the passenger name record (PNR) directive, about 42 separate pieces of information are collected in advance on those travelling on scheduled and charter flights within the EU and entering it, including itinerary, bank card details, home address, seat number and baggage information.

The records are used by the police and security services to screen passengers before departure to identify potential terror and serious crime suspects and track their movements.

Belgium, which is the only EU member state to also impose such reporting requirements on operators of international trains, coaches and ferries under its PNR legislation for national use, is among those who want the pan-European scheme to be expanded.

A confidential EU document published by the website Statewatch reveals that 83% of its member states back the expansion of the PNR directive to maritime travel and 76% to railways.

A majority of member states (67%) is also said to be in support of an expansion to cover road traffic, such as international coach services, according to the EU questionnaire, although this proposition is not being prioritised given the logistical problems it poses.

The document reports: “The negative replies highlighted arguments related to the increase of data to be processed by [passenger information units], something which was unlikely to be manageable, and could even be seen as an intrusion into privacy.”

“Overall, Member States were in favour of broadening the scope of data collection to other types of transportation, but that it was important to first implement of the PNR Directive as it is, ensure that PIUs [passenger information units – the offices each member state must set up for travel data collection] can manage the PNR data and are fully operational,” the paper adds.

Earlier this summer, the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies, which represents the transport sector, warned that international train journeys to or from Belgium were likely to take 20 to 30 minutes longer due to the obligations the government is due to impose.

The Belgian government is currently piloting its plans which would involve inspectors checking whether a name on the train ticket matches the passenger’s national identity card or passport.

A second EU document – written last month by the government of Finland, which currently holds the bloc’s rolling presidency – reports that law enforcement agencies are struggling to respond to the rise in travel within and in and out of Europe.

“Increasing cross-border travelling entails cross-border crime such as migrant smuggling and irregular migration arrangements, which involves third-country nationals that are smuggled into the EU territories, or narcotic drugs smugglers, terrorists and other criminals,” the paper says. ‘“This poses a growing challenge to national law enforcement authorities in combating crime.”

The confidential document adds: “The Presidency suggests continuing the discussion about widening the scope of the PNR Directive to other forms of transportation than air traffic.

“These other forms of transportation could be for example sea traffic and international high speed trains.”

Any expansion of the PNR would require scrutiny and approval by the European parliament. Member states would then have two years to translate the revised directive into national law.


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