My three-year-old Volvo V60 recently broke down on a journey from Scotland back to London. The Volvo dealer in Edinburgh, to which it was towed, diagnosed a snapped timing chain and advised that the car needed a new engine, at a cost of £9,000 plus labour.
As the three-year warranty had expired just two months previously and there was a full Volvo dealer service record, the garage informed me that Volvo UK had agreed to meet these costs, though I had to pay for the investigative work costing £500.
After four weeks, the work was completed and the car ready for collection. But then came the bombshell – Volvo was no longer willing to pay for the repair, and if I wanted the car back I would have to come up with £10,000.
It had decided that the cause of the problem was faulty servicing, and that I should take up the matter with the dealer.
I have only had the car serviced at two north London Volvo main dealers, so am bemused by this stance. Am I entitled to expect better treatment from a major car manufacturer?
NM, London
You most certainly are. Your story was so extraordinary we thought there must have been a mistake. But it was as you said.
In fairness to Volvo, it moved fast to put this matter right after we got involved. Having investigated thoroughly, the company decided you will not have to pay the repair bill, and you will also be reimbursed the £500 diagnostic test costs.
“We’re making arrangements for the car to be repatriated to the customer as an absolute priority … and apologise for any confusion and inconvenience,” it says. You are very relieved.
It should be noted that we have seen a big jump in cases of breaking timing chains, with more from VW group cars but not exclusively. Chains are supposed to last the life of the car, but often don’t.
When they go they destroy the engine, and can often cost more than the car’s worth to repair.
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