Jaguar boss says it has shown ‘fearless creativity’ with new electric car Carmaker, which has faced backlash over rebrand, will reveal production-ready version of Type 00 in late 2025
‘Too big of a departure?’: the experts’ verdict on Jaguar’s electric car launch Insiders who were at the Type 00 event in Miami and others give their views on the car, the rebrand and the marketing
How do I get out of a lease for a Renault electric car battery? Reader says it is unfair she would have to pay £2,000 to buy the battery in her Zoe, or £400 to have it removed
UK motorists still paying more than they should for fuel, watchdog warns Government urged to take action as CMA report finds retailers have not passed on the falling cost of energy
FCA plans to allow lenders longer to respond to car finance complaints Firms could get up to a year to respond to mis-selling complaints after shock court ruling last month
Enterprise Car Club fined me for someone else’s unpaid fuel I was charged £113.45 after firm insisted petrol station-related fine was mine to pay despite evidence to the contrary
Direct Line to axe about 550 jobs as part of £50m cost-cutting drive Company to shed about 6% of its workforce of 9,000 as it loses car insurance customers
‘I relate to Erin Brockovich’: postman who took on car finance world – and won Andrew Wrench’s case over ‘secret’ dealership commission could help UK consumers win billions in compensation
My late father is still being charged for car insurance His premium was £1,920 and I can’t get Sainsbury’s Bank to cancel the policy
Could you be entitled to a payout after court ruling on car finance? After ‘secret’ commissions paid to dealers by lenders were ruled unlawful, billions might be available in compensation
Lloyds ‘assessing’ impact of landmark court ruling on car loans Lender holds about £15bn in loans through Black Horse and could have to pay compensation for mis-selling
Consumers win UK car finance case that could lead to billions in compensation Judges in test case rule it was unlawful for lenders to pay commission to car dealers without borrowers’ knowledge
With fuel duty revenue set to fall, is it time for the UK to introduce road pricing? Transition to electric cars will mean £25bn a year in fuel duty disappearing from government coffers, so what are the alternatives?
Bring in pay-per-mile road pricing across UK, urges Tony Blair’s thinktank Rachel Reeves urged to shelve fuel duty plans and overhaul taxes amid expected switch to electric vehicles
Fuel duty expected to rise by up to 7p a litre after the budget Campaigners point out it is often cheaper to drive or even fly within the UK than take the train